What to expect:
We meet Tuesday nights for rehearsal, we attend a few singing conventions and weekend chorus retreats, and we perform throughout the year.
You don't have to read music to be a member!! Our (free) singer training program uses top talent from around the world to augment our in-house training programs. If you're like most of our members, the Toast of Tampa Chorus will provide some of the most exhilarating and challenging musical experiences of your life while you make friendships that last a lifetime.
The audition process is simple!
You sing a few scales in private for a member of our music team, who points you toward the right voice part.
- We give you recorded learning media and sheet music for a song, so you can learn it. Our people will help you if you have questions or trouble.
- You audition by singing your part with your learning track and you also have a visual performance qualification with a short choreographic routine.
- The people helping you may make recommendations on some things you could improve upon. They may ask you to take some more time to work on those things and come back the next week to audition. You have more than one try to get it right, but most people pass the audition on the first or second try!
Once you become a member, you will be given "ROOKIE" status until you sing with us at an International Contest.
For more information or to hook up with a carpool, please call 813-963-SING (7464).